
In the Middle Ages, St. Hildegard von Bingen used spelt as a dietary remedy in a clinic for the treatment of chronic illnesses. In 90% of cases, the illnesses improved. The positive effect of spelt is known above all for the skin.

Previous research and experience have shed a very positive light on the ancient grain spelt. A diet with spelt as the main grain is advisable for both young and older people. Wheat, barley, oats and rye are often not tolerated by people with various intolerances and illnesses. In these cases, however, experience shows that spelt is well tolerated. This grain has a particularly well-tolerated distribution of nutrients.

You could live on spelt alone for several months and there would be no deficiency symptoms. For example, the composition of essential amino acids in this grain is (usually) higher than in wheat.

Due to its excellent water solubility, the many ingredients of spelt are absorbed by the body like liquid food without burdening the digestive system.

The ingredients: high protein (13.1 percent), carbohydrates, vitamins (A, E and B group) and minerals (especially iron, magnesium and phosphorus) are quickly absorbed and are available to the whole organism. In contrast to all other cereals, spelt and spelt products have an alkaline reaction in the body. Spelt food improves general well-being and performance. Spelt stimulates cell renewal and ensures good detoxification as it stimulates kidney activity. Spelt has a positive effect on the skin and mucous membranes and is particularly effective against food allergies and allergic reactions.